Join our mission to improve the lives of millions by productifying memory research!

What we do

To improve the lives of millions, we at Memory Innovation Lab are on a quest to transform cutting-edge memory research into must-have products.

Imagine our researchers as detectives in the vast world of neuroscience, sifting through journals and studies to unearth the most groundbreaking discoveries.

Once we've spot these nuggets of genius, our product wizards roll up their sleeves, brainstorming and tinkering away to translate science into sensational, life-enhancing products.

But it's not a solo act! We rally a league of external experts to shape innovations that truly resonate. Heads up, world: our 2024 and 2025 product lineup is revving up to be nothing short of revolutionary. Stay tuned and on the edge of your seats.

Why we do it

At Memory Innovation Lab, we find deep satisfaction in the prospect of enhancing the lives of millions.

The mind, in all its complexity and beauty, holds countless truths and even more mysteries. It's a vast frontier that we explore with respect and curiosity, aiming to unlock its full potential.

Our goal is simple yet profound: if our research and products can significantly uplift the individual and, in doing so, contribute positively to society, then we consider our work meaningful and done.

Who we are

With a headquarter in Norway we bring our honest and blue-eyed principles to business. Our team consists of researchers on memory and scents, industrial designers, quality control engineers, and seasoned business leaders.

The team is led by Sverre Steensen who has developed more than 200 products from idea to commercial successes. The mission of Memory Innovation Lab fills us with passion and is our guiding principle in everything we do.