"The findings are quite sensational, but the fact that the sense of smell is linked to dementia is not new”

Geir Sælbæk tells Sciencenorway.no. He is head of research at the Norwegian National Centre for Ageing and Health

Introducing NightBooster

A famous study from 2023 showed a 226% improvement in memory and improved brain health, from 2 hours of exposure to scents a night. Additional research has linked the loss of smell to cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s and exercising your nose (Olfactory training) has shown promising results on your ability to remember.

NightBooster is the first scent diffuser in the world that exposes you to different scents in the same way as the famous study. You place it on your bedside table and every night when you sleep it will release a new scent for 2 hours triggering your mind. In addition to the memory boost scents it has a beautiful and relaxing lavender scent to enjoy before going to bed and you can set it to fill your room with coffee scents before waking up.  

The research

The study that inspired the NightBooster was performed by the Department of Neurobiology and Behavior, University of California led by Dr. Cynthia C. Woo, MD and the published in Frontiers in Neuroscience in July 2023. The study received lots of attention with numerous scientists commenting on the positive results.   

A number of neurological diseases, including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, schizophrenia and depression, are preceded by a loss of smell. And it has long been known that damage to the sense of smell ‒whether it comes from aging, exposure to toxins, smoking, head injury, menopause or a chronically stuffy nose ‒ can lead to memory loss. "As you age, your memory walks hand in hand with your ability to smell things," said Michael Leon, who led the new research. "We think that pretty much everybody in our modern, affluent world is odor deprived," said Leon, a professor of neurobiology and behavior at the University of California, Irvine. "The loss of stimulation may make their brain vulnerable to a wide variety of problems."